Tuesday 7 February 2012

Plastic Surgery

Sometimes people ask me if I'd ever have plastic surgery. I never lie, of course I would have plastic surgery. In fact, I'm going to have plastic surgery. It's out in the open, I actually don't care who knows. I mean, most people know that I am in fact a reasonably unattractive person (and by most I mean people with vision) so what's the problem. I shall enlighten y'all with my to do list.

  1. Rhinoplasty. AKA nose job. So this one's been on my list since I knew it existed... so... nine? Probably the happiest day of my life was when I found out I don't have to be stuck like this forever. This one I am scheduling for this summer. Hopefully I'll be able to pass my exams alright so I can skip the qualifier and just go ahead and do it. I've been putting it off for the last 3 years due to age...and kind of due to fear a bit. But I'm a big girl and I can deal with it.
  2. Under eye circle correction. I have no idea what this is called. Basically though, it's just grafting some fat from one place into the skin under my eyes so I don't look like a drug addict. I am tired of being accused of looking like a heroin addict/not had enough sleep/ill/etc. So fuck it, I'm gonna do it.
  3. Subnasal lip lift. Basically just take out a chunk of skin under ones nose to improve the fullness of one's upper lip. Not totally sure about this one to be honest as I only just found out what it is but will probably research it further.
  4. Orthodontics. Technically not plastic surgery but who cares. Had them before, gonna have them again. Whatcha gonna do.
So that's my so far incompleted list. To be honest, think what you want. It's my face and if I want to change it then I bloody well will do it. I think plastic surgery is a fantastic thing and I will never be one to discourage someone if it's what they want to do.

Monday 29 November 2010

Unfortunate musings of a first year medical student

I pondered, more times than I care to count today, for the first time ever why I'm bothering with this course. Being a doctor is the only career choice I've been genuinely serious about, but for the very first time I actually questioned myself. Whilst taking a nice warm shower earlier this evening, I searched the depths of my miserable, unquestionably boring mind to try and find out what the actual reason was for me wanting to be a medic. I couldn't remember. The horror literally brought tears to my eyes, and I stood there, stark naked in the shower with tears pouring out of my eyes. Of course you couldn't tell there were tears pouring out of my eyes, because I was in the shower. But that's beside the point.

Medicine has taken over my entire life. I realised this when earlier today I saw the word 'cleavage' and the first thing that popped into my mind was proteolysis, not and incredible pair of pert breasts being pressed together with a magical thing we call a Wonderbra. Later on, as i was writing a message on the wonder we call Facebook, I noticed that I'd written the two letters 'tb'. I stared at the screen for... well, a relatively long period of time, struggling to think what tb actually stands for. I thought for a moment that it must stand for 'tuberculosis', but then I thought, why the hell would I put an abbreviation for 'tuberculosis' on the end of a text message?!

You may be wondering, dear reader, where my enthusiasm for life has gone. I'm wondering the same thing. Actually, no I'm not. I'm almost certain it's due to the fact that some bastard virus has wriggled its way into my body, deposited its genetic material into my cells and has started to transcribe its bitchin' proteins inside me. I frickin hate that. I despise being ill [useful when my life ambition is to hang around with ill people all day every day].

As I sit here coughing and spluttering all over the place, with [too much] paracetamol being metabolised in my liver, I would like to reassure my lovely readers that despite the fact that my outlook on life is currently so negative that it's almost explosive, it will not last too long, for I'm about to go to bed and dream away my miseries.

On a final note, I'd like to mention what it was that stopped my tears spewing out in the shower earlier. As I flicked open the lid of my shampoo, I noticed a small warning on the back of my 'TimoteĆ­ Dream Volume', with three beautiful words. Had I continued to cry, my tears would have been from amusement. No three words will ever be so lovely on the back of a shampoo bottle as 'DO NOT DRINK'.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Things I simply cannot explain

  1. Why I stay on my laptop for hours on end doing very little and being incredibly bored in the early hours of the morning when I could just go to sleep is forever a mystery to me. I am actually tired. I just don't know why I can't seem to draw myself away from it.
  2. Why I set my alarm for 8:30am every morning and still press snooze every five minutes until noon. I have every intention of waking up at 8:30 the previous night, it's just in the morning when my bed is warm and outside is cold... I don't know why I do it.
  3. How I manage to turn my room into a complete tip five minutes after I've tidied it up and put absolutely everything at perfect right angles to everything else, including the walls... actually, at the moment my door won't fully shut for some reason and its about 4 degrees out, and weird as it sounds, it kills me inside to see it like that but not be able to do anything about it! xD
  4. Also, I just realised that I much prefer the font 'arial' to 'times new roman'. This doesn't really fit in with the rest of the list but oh well. At least now you know why this particular post is sans serif. Actually I went to a lot of effort to get it so the bullet numbers were Arial too. Not sure why.
  5. Why I'm still here trying to think of another thing I can't explain even though I'm desperately sleepy. So I'll go to bed now.... wait, I'm already in bed... I'll just go to sleep shall I? :P Good night dear reader. Oh wait...
  6. Why anyone reads this pointless old drivel! xD Much love :) x x x

Saturday 28 August 2010

Why my life is great... mostly

It's weird, I always seem to find myself coming here to write when something's up then I end up not posting at all. So I may as well fill you in on all the good stuff that's happened since my Buffalo post.

Exams are OVER
My term of being ill finally ended, but not before exams did. I was on two courses of two different antibiotics, neither of which actually worked. I think I had glandular fever. Anyways, I missed the MPC1 resit which I was gutted about - £25 down the drain.
My next scheduled exam was the Decision exam. Which doesn't actually count for anything really, but still. That went just fine.
After that was MPC4. That went fine too. I messed up a question somewhere but I've blocked it out of my memory now.
Then came biology. This paper was a bitch. It was HORRIBLE. I'd spent such a long time learning the syllabus til I could recite the entire specification in six languages. Okay, no I couldn't but you get the idea. Of all the stuff on the spec, maybe 3% of it actually came up. Didn't like it. I don't like OCR.
Then was mechanics. I think by this point I'd given up actually caring cos I went into the exam, did the questions and didn't even panic at all when I came across a question I found hard.
Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy was chemistry. I sauntered in, did the paper, and rushed off out to live my life again.

It's surprising how close you can get to someone who was but a mere acquaintance. I regret nothing.

I moved house for the 18th time since the day of my birth. On average, I've moved once per year of my existance. I live in a bungalow now. My room isn't a colour that makes me want to wretch any more, though none of the furniture matches and it's still a mess. I have new curtains though, finally. My mum said it looks like they're made of the fabric a prom dress should be made of. They're nothing like the beautiful cocktail dress I wore to my prom though.

I got an award at the college Award Ceremony. Wore my 'beautiful cocktail dress' again, it felt good. I felt good. Who am I kidding, for the first time in my life I felt HOT. I dunno whether it was due to the fact that under my 'beautiful cocktail dress' I was wearing... we'll say, 'interesting' underwear, my hair was freshly dyed, or because I actually looked as hot as I felt. I'm hoping it's because I looked as hot as I felt. Though I probably felt hot because of the underwear, and if I looked hot it's probably because I felt hot because of the underwear. Anyway, I'm thinking into it a little too much. Check hot me out!
That's moi accepting an award from Liz Bower, an actress that went to our college. She's been on just about every BBC drama, incuding Doctors and My Family. Can I just say, I look short there admittedly but she's literally about six foot tall and I'm just a very average 5'3 :P

My results have come back, and for once... I'm happy. I'm very happy. Although I know [you're expecting something very typically 'Neda' and you will be rewarded with something very typically 'Neda'] I could have done better, I don't actually care. I'm happy with what I got, and I've never been happy with what I got before so I'm even more happy about it. Check my happy results out:
  • Biology: A
  • Chemistry: A
  • Maths A* [yes, A*]
  • Further maths: a
  • Physics: a
  • Extended project: A
  • Critical Thinking: C
Yeah, there are seven things there. Meaning that if an A-level is split into an AS and an A2, I actually have more AS/A2's than I have GCSEs. I'm allowed to be proud of myself, I've done well!

I'm in the newspaper, the college advert, and on the front page of the prospectus. I've been interviewed by a real life journalist. It's not much... but I feel famous.

I have my official place at Leicester now. I'm no longer a student, but a Student Doctor. People told me I wouldn't amount to much. Suck on that. Yeah I know, I still need to actually graduate and all the rest.... but I got in didn't I ;)

Habitats II
I have been offered a Premium Catered room in the student halls at Leicester. It wasn't my first choice of room but being the only catered room I put on the list I think I was quite lucky considering I can't actually cook. Nah thats a lie, I CAN cook but I doubt I'll be able to avoid nasty things like atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes without the aid of the healthy stuff they'll give me at uni.

I bought a beautiful copy of Gray's Anatomy for £2 from Oxfam. It's 25 years old but its still beautiful. I'm now a member of the British Medical Association and, once I've filled out a form, I have a year's subscription to the studentBMJ, as well as a voucher to get a free engraving onto a stethoscope.

Okay, not everything in this section is 'good' I guess. But here goes. My student loan doesn't cover my accomodation. I'm not even in uni yet and I'm already in the negative by £180. Student life FTW.

I hate how a five-word sentence can pretty much ruin a friendship.

Yeah, it's totally gay, but he made me a better person. My smiles aren't always genuine but they make others happy. My intentions aren't always selfless but they have good effects. My beliefs aren't always right but I'm true to them. I won't be able to do everything I've ever wanted to do but I've had a good chance at most of my things, I'm grateful for it.

I have WAY too much of this!

Thursday 24 June 2010

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Believe it or not, that is an actual, genuine grammatically correct sentence. And because you probably don't believe me - like I didn't believe it when I first read it - I went and found out WTF it's supposed to mean.

Now. There are three meanings of the word 'buffalo'. A noun, a proper noun and a verb. One is the animal [noun], one is the city in America [proper noun] and the third is the less-known word for 'intimidate' or 'bully' [verb].

The plural for buffalo is, like sheep and fish, just buffalo. But for the sake of simplicity I'll call it buffaloes or this won't make much sense.

The first 'Buffalo' refers to the city [notice the capitalisation of the PROPER NOUN], the second refers to the animal; Buffalo buffalo, ie buffaloes from Buffalo.

The third and fourth are also the city and the animal respectively. The fifth is 'bully'.

So so far, we have Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo, meaning 'buffaloes from Buffalo that buffaloes from Buffalo bully'. In other words, in a population of buffaloes, there are some buffaloes that bully other buffaloes within the population. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo. The capitalisation of the first and third buffalo is a hint here.

The sixth buffalo means bully, and the seventh and last are the city and the animal.

Now we have Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo [ie, from what we worked out before, buffaloes from Buffalo that buffaloes from Buffalo bully] bully buffaloes from Buffalo. Here, we have a human-like situation; bullies that bully people because they get bullied. Make's 'em feel big. Lulz. Anyway.

SO. Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo could be re-written as:

Buffaloes from Buffalo, that buffaloes from Buffalo bully, bully buffaloes from Buffalo.

Another example of this same sentence could be: if you replace the city with Manchester, the animal with dog and bully as itself, the sentence would be:

Manchester dogs that manchester dogs bully, also bully manchester dogs.

In other words, the dogs in manchester [the ones that get bullied by other dogs in Manchester], they themselves bully other dogs from manchester.

In conclusion, Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Is this, or is this not THE most genius sentence in the world?!?!!? YUS I DO THINK SO.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Oh the long, beautiful days of summer.

I can never tell what that gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach is. It could be down to a whole load of things, which I will cleverly and conveniently list here:
  • Exams - I only have one left but I'm still terrified of what's going to happen with it. Chemistry is a wonderful subject. This exam however, may well be the end of my life as I know it.
  • Results - I've done four of my five summer '10 exams. D1, C4, Biology and M2. [funny how the vast majority of my exams are always maths ones, yet I'm never going to need any maths whatsoever, ever during my life at med school. Well, other than the ability to count to ten when giving injections.
  • No more college - my college days are officially over. Which also means that any authority I've ever had [class rep, health ambassador, teacher's pet etc][for once, I'm not actually joking about the teacher's pet thing... freaky]
  • Summer holidays - *utter screams of delight* I want to call them honeyed hours. Why? Because they're going to be sweet, slow, sickly, bright and will make me very thirsty. Does that appeal to anyone else? Hah. Love it.
  • People - I'm not sure about this one. Ever get this scratching feeling in your guts when you think about someone? I'm not talking about like... lovey-dovey icky sickening crap or anything. Just.. I dunno, it's kinda hard to explain. Like recently I've got back in touch with a lot of people and whenever I think about it I kinda get this feeling that says 'this is what happened, you'll never see it again, it's all memories'. Think of it this way. When you fill a hole in the ground with concrete, if a bug or a leaf or something falls into the cement mix, it'll be there forever. You'll never find it again unless you dig up the concrete and smash it to bits. In fact, you might not even know what you're looking for. And if you do find it, whatever it is, it'll be dead. Does that not frighten you? Or is it just me?
All these seem like pretty plausible explanations. But it could just be as simple as I haven't been to the gym for about three months and I'm absolutely gagging for it.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

These days I seem to spend the majority of my time waiting for things that, deep down, I know aren't going to arrive yet, but even so I can't help but.. well, wait.

• Waiting for the post/email to arrive
This is probably the most annoying of the lot. I'm waiting for a letter that's going to decide whether I'm moving out in 6 months time or whether I'm going to spend the next year stacking shelves at Aldi. It's coming soon, by April 5th at the absolute latest. But it's killing me.

• Waiting for people
Any time I detect the slightest hint of the person I'm waiting for.. but then realise it was my mind playing tricks on me.. my God, worst feeling ever. But every single time, every single time I find myself getting all excited before realising there's nothing to get excited about.

• Waiting for something to happen
In other words, procrastination. I am a master at procrastination. In some ways, I'm a workaholic. I can't get enough of it. But that's untilI get that nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I should (A) I should go back and check if that letter/email has arrived yet or not, or (B) the person I'm waiting for has arrived.