Friday, 28 November 2008
I don't got no clothes D:
I'm not ACTUALLY naked, the upstairs lights have stopped working which means that if I WAS naked, no-one would be able to tell. Lucky for me, I'm fully clothed and downstairs where the lights are working :)
My wrists hurt, I'm going now.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
If I could pick one thing in the WHOLE UNIVERSE that I could own personally...
I really can't be arsed this week, I just want to go home with a nice cuppa, a stack of DVDs and too much chocolate and just sit there and do absolutely nowt. THAT is my idea of the Good Life.
Its going to be pitch black by the time I get home... and I really want to do an Orange Wednesday.. well, not literally do and orange wednesday because not only is that not possible, but even if it was, it'd be completely, utterly and totally wrong.
Look at this:
I might be small but I have a big heart and an even BIGGER head.
Tis my quote that will one day become famous as I become the ruler of the world. Just so you know, when I become ruler of the world, I'll make it so that everyone has a computer, and the internet, and BT becomes bankrupt, and I become very tall.
My head is aching. Like a hole in the head. Ew, thats nasty. Did you know that an ancient civilisation [possibly the Mayans or the Aztecs] would cure headaches by drilling a hole in the victim's head? Yuuuuuurrk. Imagine being able to SEE through people's heads? Well, the people would probably be dead actually, but if you pretend they survived.
Blah, Imma go in a few minutes, I feel bloody sick.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
I want a piece of you :O
In other words, The Chicken Song. She says she's Miss American dream since she was 17... I think she's Miss Chicken dream at the moment D: And is Womanizer a real word?
I remember Gresa describing that science teacher [whose name I can't remember] as a womanizer once o_o Slightly disturbing, but hey. I shouldn't be writing this in the library cos I keep laughing at old memories and the people near me think I'm a nutter o_o xD
But ja. I keep saying ja D:
We have a biology self study week, it's all good cos it means I only have ONE lesson today :D Yay! So I'm coming to the library for lunchtime, then at 1:40 imma pretend I'm a big-ass nerdy-nerd doing homework in the library. Which I suppose I am. I'm not a nerd though... nerds are smart o_o
I'm stuck for words now... blogs shouldn't really be this short should they? On the other hand, when they're really long and all I'm writing is absolute bullcrap that no-one will ever read [except possibly a pervert or someone who has nothing better to do]...
I'm really sad, not loser-sad, actual real life depression-sad ._. I heard on the news yesterday that Michael Jackson doesn't own Neverland any more! :( I was appalled, Michael Jackson without Neverland Valley Ranch is like boys' trainers without the smell.. ok bad example o_o But whatever, MJ and NVR not being together is like breaking the laws of natrue, its just wrong. W-R-O-N-G. Double-you are oh enn gee. NOPE. NOTHING. NADA. NO-NO-NANETTE. Oh man ._.
Imma have to look on BBC news or soomt to find out why he doesn't have it any more... not that its actually any of my business... but Michael D:
Ok whatever, I'm ghost.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be...
How I wish I'd taken french as my 5th subject ._. Schmexyful french ._.
C'est trés malheureux.
So fucking malheureux. Is it malheureux or malheureuse? Cos one's male and one's female... it's been too long D: I'm going to get married to a french guy. Well, IF I should choose to get married. Which I probably won't. Cos it's stupid.
So yeah, my internet is still completely and utterly non-existant, and BT are still stupid. We're going for Virgin now, which [as I told Gresa] is a bit of a lie because I'm not an internet virgin AT ALL. Lol. I should stop saying that, it's such a stupid word xD
Wait, it's not even a word O_o
I took a funky picture with my FUNKY NEW PHONE JA?? And I really want to put it on here but I can't 'cos this is the library ._.
Oh yeah, I put my blog onto Facebook... not sure if it's a good idea or not because of certain stalkers who won't stop at nothing to track me down and further waste my time, but if that does happen, which it won't, hopefully, I know how to block names, and I'll find out how to block IP addresses too.
THAT is the result of talking to people you don't know, I don't reccommend it one little bit.
I'm hungry. I reckon I'll go get me a nice yummy sub today. Reggae Reggae Chicken Sub, ja? Ja.
Why do German people say 'yes' as 'ya' but spell it like 'ja'? Well, I thought about it, and did my research [cos I'm so cool], and I actually found out that the name Joseph is from Germany, and it's actually said like Youssef :) And now I know that the bloke that's in my maths class [he has shockingly blue eyes] is probably German. Aren't I so fun, analyzing the letters in people's names o_o
I want to dye my hair again. Blue would be kool, like electric blue, but I found out that actually costs £120, and I don't have £120 to spare on a blue hair dye that will eventually fade... after one wash. I need to have a haircut too.
Gosh, you must be bored if you're still reading. Here's a fun fact for you: the first emperor of china died of mercury poisoning. And that was back when mercury was used as a drug. To make you high. And to see cool things that weren't really there. And to leave you with a MOFO of a HANGOVER.
Not that I'd know what that's like, obviously. Well, actually I do know what it's like... kinda. If you've ever walked 12 miles with only 3 breaks, in the rain, and you wake up the next day aching all over, that's what it's like... er, probably.
It sucks, because as soon as I have access to my old computer so I can take my pictures and programmes back, the internet decides it's too good for me. EIGHT YEARS OF HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A COMPUTER AND A MODEM, AND IT DECIDES TO LEAVE ME. WHAT. THE. FUCK. EXCUSE THE SWEARS. ACTUALLY, DON'T. WHY AM I WRITING IN CAPITALS.
Soz guys, I'm calm now... LOL. I wonder what life would be like if 'lol' was a real word, would people be shunned for actually laughing? Hmmm....
I should'a taken philosophy too.
Subjects I would've taken if I was allowed to take an infinite amount:
- French
- Philosophy and Ethics
- Art
- Dance
- Music
- Business Studies
- History [all three]
- Media
- Accounting
- Further maths
Damn, I could've taken further maths actually... GAH EVERYTHING SUCKS! >:(
Haha, ain't he cute? :D I'll tell you what else is cute actually: ô_o HAHARRRR such a cutie :D ô_ô LMAO he looks like me when I've had a months supply of caffiene xD [it's happened, I'm sorry to say].
The computer just froze ._. All my precious work... gone.
Okay, well to prevent that from happening again, I'll save and hope that no-one has bothered to read this.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Mathematically addicted to you :O
I'm not sure what that's about... I just love maths, that's all.
I saw something quite scary today, but I don't think it's suitable to post on my blog so I won't put it.
My wrists are aching, I don't like keyboards. I prefer the ones on laptops, but heck, who cares? :P
I have 3 minutes so I'll make it quick.
Lost the debate yesterday, I think I'm cursed. Got attacked by a killer headache, then got the attack of the shakes, now I'm convinced I'm diabetic. Took an overdose on asprins [probably] cos they didn't work, I bet my liver is broken now. Today is review day so I'm only in for a little while, plus I get tomorrow off [yay!]
Now I have 2 minutes.
I have a new-found love for Ne-yo, he's awesomeness :D *bursts into song* She got her- okay, maybe I won't o_o
Gah, forget it, I'm bailing.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Because BT, the G.D. pooheads, have CUT OFF OUR INTERNET.
They didn't even give us a reason, they just cut it off! And now, we have not only NO PHONE LINE, but NO INTERNET EITHER!!!!!
On the bright side, I still have infinite texts and like, 120 minutes. You have my number, I will contact you no end if you ask nicely :)
Oh, and there's a scary man making funny noises ._.
Just so you know, I'm in the library.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
T'as been a while...
I shouldn't really be on right now, I'm the only one awake - betcha my typing will wake up my sister.
Speaking of her, she has turned into SUCH a little menace!!! Gawd, seriously, she came into my room today, opened a cupboard, took everything out and chucked it all on the floor! what kind of a kid dose that? xD
Imma try getting up early tomorrow and write a proper blog, this here is a waste of everyone's time o_o
Hugs xXx
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Heart FM is starting to bug me. They keep playing the exact same music, and songs that I once loved are getting really annoying now. And Greatest Day by Take That is really bad ¬_¬
My week so far in short: Monday, got up early and got to college at 8:00 for some weird reason [I'm usually late xD] day went fabbishly. Today, got there at 10:30, was bored for most of the day and desperately wanted to wash my hair but obviously couldn't 'cos I was at college. Got home, chilled, went on Facebook [new addiction... it's worse than when I was addicted to Bebo lol] Decided to be able to do the splits, then changed my mind when I realised my legs won't go further than about 100 degrees [ie. not too good] but then changed my mind again. O can not touch my knees with my chin when my legs are straight, woop! *hasn't been able to do that in about 5 years* And now I'm listening to I Will Always Love You [I've never found it so annoying before xD]
Anyway, I have to go to sleep now :) All that glitters is gold xXx
Monday, 20 October 2008
I'm so zawsted :O
I have a funky new memory stick :D It's bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeee :D
I really gotta do some work D:
I added some people from college onto Facebook, 3 added me back, the rest haven't o_o Either they don't go online much or I don't know them or they really really hate me xD
All my sentences started with 'I' ;_: Except this one :O
Zawsted ;_; Oh-so-zawsted ;_;
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Texts I've sent since the 27th September: 85
Number of times I've wanted to punch my brother today: 834762845761235
Hours until I have to leave my house tomorrow: 12
Points on my Boots advantage card: 216
Points on my nectar card: 105
Hours studying I have to do in the next 3 hours: 9
Times my sister fell over today: 14
Seconds until I press 'publish post': 0
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Neda summed up in several sentences [ft. arrows!]
Do well → be motivated to do well → do better → enjoy the subject → be motivated to do even better → do better than everyone else and by this annoy the hell out of them → be a pro → die happy
See? All worked out in the end ^_^
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
*mumbles under breath*
The first type is the sort that gets 'exceptional' grades, and is really nice to you when you get 0.1% lower than they did. They sorta go 'That's really good, well done!' in this seriously annoying way, as if to say, 'nice try thicko. I did better than you'.
The second type is the type that pays little or no attention in class, then somehow, by some phenomenon [for those of you who don't know, a phenomenon is an occurance - or a 'thing'.] somehow manages to get 'high' grades. Whether it's the same, slightly higher, or slightly lower grades than me, it still annoys me.
The final type is the type that... ugh, I simply can't explain. Think 'dumb blonde' that has no idea why she [or he] is even there. GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDDDDDD
Oh, and there is one other type: the type that decides to do something, just because they can. I'll leave you to ponder upon that final thought :)
Night luvvies xXx
P.S. I've had some practice exam questions marked. Maths: A. Biology: A-. Chemistry: B. Note: when you notice some seriously stupid mistakes, it gives you reason to not do homework when you're coffee deprived ;)
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls
Anyway. Lucylu slept over last night, twas fun cos we made pizza! Then we went to see Pineapple express, and I can honestlly say I've never heard the F word being said so many times in a movie o_o Lucy lost her camera ;_; But I came to the rescue after she'd gone home and I went all the way back to town just to have a look for it, and now she loves me ^_^ Not that she didn't love me to begin with, I'm just too loveable to not be loved *waits for everyone to nod and agree, but only hears a cough and some tumbleweed bobbing past* Oh... fine, be that way ¬_¬
I've done NO WORK WHATSOEVER since Thursday. Lazy Neda ._.
Imma go beg my mum to take me to Asda, I wanna buy a lottery ticket ;_;
Ciao darling dumplings xXx
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
"Don't eat those, they'll give you diarrhea..."
I so want to give primary and secondary school kids private maths and science tutoring ;_;
Anyway, I'm in pain now because I've been running around all day and writing and typing and trying to get what potential difference is and what it's a potential difference of, ['kay so p.d. is another word for voltage and voltage is the energy converted over the charge but what does it actually measure?! and if something is a 12V appliance, where does the current come into it when the current determines how much electricity is actually used? And where do watts come into it? And how many watts are in a coulomb? WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]
I almost ate verucca gel this morning cos it has something called salicylic acid in it and it reminded me of salt... then I realsed what a dumb thing that is to do.
I'm going now ;_; Bye bye lovers xXx
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Neopets just suspended my account ;_;
Maths, Glorious Maths
By the way, did you know that my favourite number is pi? 3.14159265 etc etc.
Click to hear the Pi song :D *sings* Pi, pi, mathematical pi, 3.14159265351793... ok I lost track ;_;
I just read this thing on Michael; he ordered six pizzas for the fans sitting outside his hotel awww he's so kind :D I want to hug him.
Anyway I gotta go. Asta la vista baby xXx
Friday, 12 September 2008
A really gross bug landed on my finger today :(
I was walking along to College with my arms by my sides, as you do, and I felt something touching the end of my finger. I looked at it, and found the yuckiest thing ever sitting on it. I tried to blow it off, but not even the power of my breath could knock it off - its legs were ever-tightening around my finger. I could actually feel it getting tighter and tighter. I got really freaked out so I started violently brushing my finger against my leg, and finally it came off, although I could still feel its vice-like grip on me. I really wanted to check that it wasn't sitting on my leg but on a main road, turning around to look at your butt isn't exactly normal o_o
College has been good, my teachers have been good so far and they haven't been morbidly boring so not bad. Hopefully I won't get bored in a week and decide that it's not worth it o_o My friend-making skills have increased since moving to Stafford, I don't have a problem with looking people in the eye any more xD
I had Subway for lunch today! :D Reggae Reggae Chicken Sub, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :P
I'm going to watch the Simpsons now, tarraaaa!
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Log In To Your MoOodle...
I don't have much time ;_; So this'll be short.
I started college on Friday [don't know if I've already said or not] and lessons started properly today. I had Maths, which, as always, I loved. And I had Biology, which, as always, I'm not 100% sure if I like it or not. I had a lecture. A lecture, can you believe it?! It was hard, I've never had to write so fast in my life - especially not about microscopes xD I was expecting something a little more... alive.
So anyway, I never realised that I had to buy my own exercise books, so for maths I had to write on the back of scraps of paper which is really embarrassing o_o but then at lunchtime I ran all the way to town to buy some notebooks so it's all good. One is surprised at how a simple A4 notebook is £4.99 in WH Smiths, yet it only costs £1.24 in Woolworths O_o It cost me less to buy four notebooks in Woolies than it woulda cost me to buy one in WHS o_o'
Okay I started this post yesterday but now it's tomorrow so imma stop now.
Guten Tag Dear Readers xXx
Friday, 5 September 2008
Buses suck.
First day of college today. It was cool, its not a dump and the teachers seem nice so far, and the people see friendly enough. I'm 'friends' with a girl called Katie or Jessie or Jodie or something along those lines. I only heard her name like once so I can't remember D: And I made friends with someone called Liz and she didn't talk at all. So ya lol.
Anyway I'm watching some detective thingy, can't remember what it's called. The one with Dr Slone.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
"I cant even consider Michael Jackson's record a comeback record; I dont think he's ever left" -
So tell me what we're waitin' for.
We're better off being together,
Than being miserable alone.
Omaghoosh, I love it! Kill me now! *runs around in circles screaming*
Saturday, 30 August 2008
...makes me wanna SCREAM!
Therefore I have a few things to say:
- Michael Jackson is the King of Pop
- Michael Jackson has always been the King of Pop
- Michael Jackson will always be the King of Pop
Geddit? Muhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa :D
Friday, 29 August 2008
Happy Birthday Michael
Anyway, whatever he does, I hope he has a great birthday, and he knows that I'm 16 muhahahaha! Ahem just kidding o_o
So yes indeed...
Happy Birthday Michael!
Thursday, 28 August 2008
To Whom It May Concern,
Okay, I've got it on now.
She sucks. she really does. She has a very pretty face, but she's a terrible singer. Okay sure, she probably sings much better than I do - no, she definately does. But if I had a choice, I wouldn't listen to her. Not that I don't have a choice, I just want to see for myself if she's any good.
She sounds like her dad actually. I can't stand him, no wonder I don't like her xD
Why is it not possible to have "private" posts?
Moved on Sunday, this house is tiny. One of the removal men was hhhaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwtttttttt. Monday I went to town with Ali, it was a waste of my time. Tuesday we came back to Stafford to clean up the house, I saw Abi [currently my saviour]. Today I started hating Ali's guts [no surprises there] and rollerbladed around the patio in circles for almost an hour, then had a go at the cross stitch kit Emma got for my birthday. I also plucked my eyebrows.
I would'a written more if this was a "private" post.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Some people just need to be slapped.
Yay, resultssss =)
I was literally about 5 marks off and A* in english, English Lit and ICT and 2 marks off an A in French which is REALLY ANNOYING but hey, thats what happens lol.
Monday, 18 August 2008
We don't need no Education
I wish that was true, but if you think about it, we DO need education.
Imagine a world without it:
There'd be no doctors, no lawyers, no accountants... and thats only the beginning.
If we had no education, we'd know nothing about technology, or communication, or even how to count out if we have enough money to buy a bar of chocolate.
We'd have no money, so we wouldn't be able to buy your essentials - food, clothes, shelter. Sure, you could make them, but how will you learn how to sew? How will you know how to lay bricks so your house doesn't fall down?
So it seems to me that we do need education.
At least a good few people who have one.
If you don't learn, you're worthless to me.
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Reasons why I'm currently shizzing myself.
2. Moving to Solihull in 6 days
3. College interview in 13 days
4. College starts in 23 days
5. I don't know anyone in Solihull
6. All of the reasons above multiplied by infinity
Is anyone else worried as hell about the exam results? I know I am. I know it sounds awful, but I really don't want to get any Bs. One I'd be okay with, but any more and I'd be disappointed. I wish so bad that things didn't start going wrong after Easter, my predicted grades aren't going to happen. My predicted grades were:
- Maths A*
- Science A*
- RE A*
- Business Studies A
- Textiles A
- French A
- English A/B
- English Lit A/B
What I think I'll get:
- Maths A*
- Science A*
- RE A*
- Business Studies A
- French A
- Textiles B
- English B
- English Lit C
I know it's not THAT bad, in fact it's pretty good - 16 out of a possible 27 points if I do how I think I've done - plus the 2 from the other science GCSE, but you know when you set yourself goals and you're determined to get them? Its like that, except they're not goals, they're like personal targets... 'something you want so, so bad', as Sherman Klump once said. My predicted grades are the things I want 'so, so bad'. Besides, I don't want to go to a trashy university. Southampton is where I'd like to go, and the required grades at GCSE aren't that difficult to reach [seven Bs for medicine] but it's unlikely that I'll go there because I live quite far and I won't get to see my family much, so Birmingham university would be much better. The thing is though, Birmingham is... Birmingham. No offence, but all I've seen there is trashy people. There's a very fine line between outgoing and trashy. Southampton is only a little better, but I know Southampton. I have a house there [well, it's not mine but my parents said they'd rent it to me cheaper - and my friends if any friends need a place] and I have tonnes of great friends [Hi Farzaneh!] plus I know my way round, it's not going to be difficult looking for the shops or a library or the cinema. Birmingham on the other hand... I don't think it even has a library. 60% of the people there aren't even literate, I swear. I read some of the stuff they scribble onto the bus stops; 'I want to hav Darline's babyes' that is NOT how you spell babies. Besides, guys cant have babies. Unless it was a girl who said it, but lesbians can't have babies together either xD Duuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh.
I think I'll write a pros and cons list of Birminham and Southampton later. Nighty nightypoo my dear loves xXx
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Just for the hell of it...
Guess what. I have another thing that I want: poker chips and playing cards. I really want to play poker! I've been watching Desperate Housewives too much xD And Alice mentioned it when we were playing Monopoly and I was like DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!! I have such a sad, sad life. *sigh* xD
Neopets is the bestestest :D <3
I'm going to bed now, Ali wants me to get up at 5:00am with him so we can watch Everybody hates Chris o_o Anyhoo, nightynight xXx
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Can I have a chicken in a bun and a spicy coke please?
I'm on a laptop now :D ZOMG can you believe it? I never thought I'd see the day xD
Right, well, I don't think anyone ever reads this. Mind you, I don't think anyone really knows it exists, except the 2 or 3 people out of about 14 who bother to check their emails.
I saw Batman on Wednesday [last week] it was BLOODY AWESOME!!! And I love motorbikes and Batman's gadgets are simply woah :D Batman's voice was really growly and Rachel looks as though she's had a botched nose job [botched because it's so damn obvious that she's had one] and Harvey's face at the end ew ew ew ew ew ew ew cursed *shudders*
I also bought those uberly purdie pens which are awesome cos they write really brightly :D
And I went for a big long walk again in flipflops, I must add, but of course I didn't start this blog when I started going on hiking trips xD 6 hours with only a few 10 minute breaks, sat on the grass. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavly.
Anyhoo my wrists are killing me and I have to tidy up for tomorrow and then I gotta gotta must install Mavis Beacon's Typing Lesson because it's so GD cool but my last computer wouldn't let me use it but this one's just so awesome that it has to let me or else.
Much love xXx
Monday, 28 July 2008
Why does Monday come before Tuesday?
I currently hate my brother. I don't know wtf his problem is, he does not know how to behave. For example, yesterday my dad gave him two pounds and said that he could have one and the other was for me and that we could go to the shop and spend it. Today he came into my room and said dad had given him two pounds to go buy some cereal. Obviously a lie, because my dad has refused to buy more cereal for ages [cos theres so many half-eaten boxes of it that no-one will eat] so why let Ali choose one? And he [Ali] is so stupid to think that I'd believe that dad would give him spending money and not to me O_o thats not really the point though, the fact that he's so dishonest and that he's been pissing me the hell off for weeks - no, months, is the point. I told him that he has a choice: either write me a big long apology for being the little shit that he is, or never hear the sound of my voice again. Extreme? Yes. Harsh? No.
The eBay dude didn't say yes to swapping a CD from one auction to another one. I've bidded on 2 out of 5 lots, I only have one of the ones I bidded for but if I win them both I'll sell one of them or something. Does anyone have any MJ stuff they want to chuck or sell? Cos I'll buy it, take it off your hands, whatever you want :P
I'm off now anyway, buh-bye! =D xXx
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Awwww ain't she just the cutest?
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Its Tooooooorrrrture!!!
It all started yesterday, around 7:30pm when I was on my way to having a shower. I'd just locked the door when I realised I'd forgotten my towel, so I unlocked the door again. Suddenly, I felt a stabbing pain in my index finger, and blood was gushing everywhere, it was like a fountain of blood. I decided to ignore it and get my towel and just get on with it. Its really hurty, someone fix it for me :(
I got some new straighteners on Monday, they're Remington Wet2Straight ones and theyre actually pretty good :D My hair is currently "poker-straight" and doesn't look THAT awful now :D I know, I complained a lot but its not that bad - for one thing, it's short so I can dry it sooooooooooo quick and I don't use hardly any shampoo, whereas before I'd use like a fifth of a bottle. So its saving money on shampoo xD
I really want to download more Michael Jackson unreleased music, I already have... lemme see... 14 unreleased songs [and a lot of stuff featuring him] but I want more, more, MORE!!! Ahem o_o
Who remembers the song 'I Want Candy'? Off the Simpsons? Man, I love the Simpsons :D
Anyway I'm off to search for unreleased music :D xXx
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Pointless Pondering about the Meaning of a Word in a Song
In every kind of disco"
Does anyone know what 'Frisco' is? I'm guessing San Francisco but then again you don't just spend a night in San Franciso, you'd go to a hotel or something o_o
Yeah, pointless pondering.
My hair is bothering me, I wanted it chin length not cheekbone length ¬_¬ If it looks bad after I've washed it I swear to God I'm buying a wig. Or wearing a hat. Permanently. Until it grows back at least.
I'm off to play Monopoly against a computer called 'Thimble'. I'm 'Top Hat', in case you were wondering :P
Guten Tag!
Neda xXx
Saturday, 19 July 2008
The Middle of July is Surprisingly Cold o_o
It's freezing o_o Seriously, it's probably like 2 degrees outside, I'm actually wearing about 4 t-shirts and a jumper and I'm still cold.
So anyway, what have I been up to...?
On Tuesday I was at St Annes, just helping out as I was before but I only stayed for the morning. Then I had to go to Abi's to give her her birthday card [very very late, I must say D:] but she wasn't there so I went to school to hand in my thank you letter and my project. Then I went to Lucy's house to hang [not literally], then we went to town and hung some more before meeting Alice and the Guides for my last ever Guides in Stafford!!!!! ;_; I also borrowed six library books, three of which were the biggest, heaviest damn things in the world.
On Wednesday Lucy and I went to Solihull to see what it's like [well, I already knew but when I went I was so fed up that I practically closed my eyes all through our visit xD] and it's actually really nice - it's like a slightly smaller version of Bullring, except it's got a more vintage look to it, and there are no yobs, low-lifes or hooligans. We didn't get time to look everywhere and we were tired and fed up so we took the train back to Birmingham, and I applied for a job at The Entertainer!!! [more about that later] then we went home.
Thursday wasn't that interesting, it was the second-to-last day of the school year and I spent it at St Annes.
Friday was better, it was the last day and the kids just played a lot - although it was nowhere near as sad as I remember it being when it was the end of year for us at primary school; it was just sort of... 'Bye, see ya round,' O_o Where's the affection?! I got a present from one of the little kids as well, which was the cutest [and most unexpected] thing ever! I got a box of Mingles and a wax crucifix lol. I still don't know what I should do with the crucifix - it's not as though I'm reluctant to put it up or anything, after all, it's Jesus. But I'm not even Christian so it feels a bit... well, you know what I mean lol. And I wouldn't bin it or sell it because what sort of person would I be if I did that?! So yeah, if anyone wants a crucifix, you know where to go! Anyway. After school Emma and I went to the cinema to see Kung Fu Panda :D It was a really good movie, it honestly was! I totally reccommend it. It's really funny [if you happened to be there and you heard laughter every 2 seconds, it was me. Sorry, now that I think about it, I should've bit my tongue cos it must've been really annoying o_o] and it has awww bits in it, plus it's awfully cute with all the ickle Kung Fu animals, and it has relatively okay action in it. Bearing in mind it's a disney movie with a panda who does kung fu in it o_o But yeah, it's really good :D
And today I had my hair cut [finally]. It's nothing like what I wanted it to be like really, it's short which is what I wanted, but there are like, no layers and it's quite poofy and is probably going to look utterly awful when I wash it but heck, that's what hats are for. Oh, and it has a sh-something thingy at the back. I've never had a haircut I'm not 100% happy with - the only good thing is that it'll take 2 seconds to wash it and 2 seconds to dry, plus it's short enough to curl into something that will look like an afro xD I have a proper fringe now too, it's been years since I've had one lol.
So anyway, the Entertainer. I really hope they give me the job there, I would LOVE to work in a toy shop! Especially the Entertainer because I've been buying things from there since I was tiny and it's always been my favourite shop :D Plus the one in Bullring has a slide thingy which I'm totally going to play in before anyone else gets there *shifty eyes*
On Monday I'm going to Solihull again with my mum and Ali for a college interview [a different one, thankfully. The last one gave me such a bad impression; academically impossible to do five A-levels my arse! Not to mention half the people there were wearing next to nothing, half of the other half looked like they hadn't washed in a month, and the rest wouldn't shut their mouths, my mum and I were just sat there gaping at the utter opposite of civilisation O_o And lord knows where they came from because they certainly weren't from Solihull o_o] and then Ali and I are going to hang in Bullring. Which is a potential disaster cos trying to put Ali and shops together is like the same poles of a magnet trying to be forced together. Not to mention that my hair is probably going to be a disaster by then o_o
Ali is seriously pissing me off right now, the way he talks to Yasmine is THE most IRRITATING thing in the history of the world. And the way he tries to play with her, it's so obvious she doesn't like being squished by him, he seems to think that her trying to beat him off is her way of saying 'Yes, I like to be squished.' ¬_¬
And I'm currently being told what God should and shouldn't have done when Jesus died. And that it 'probably isn't even a true story' frickin' hell, some people, namely my brother, are such little brats.
I'm listening to Oops! I Did It Again xD Stupid Britney lol. Anyway, Oops, I did it again, I wrote a load of garbage, got lost in the keyboard, oops you think that I have mental problems, I'm not that insane, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Ooh, now it's Michael. Enough is enough of this garbage. Couldn't agree more, later dear reader.
Neda xXx