Tuesday, 23 September 2008

"Don't eat those, they'll give you diarrhea..."

"...Your face gives me diarrhea.", sez I, the mathematical and scientific genius.

I so want to give primary and secondary school kids private maths and science tutoring ;_;

Anyway, I'm in pain now because I've been running around all day and writing and typing and trying to get what potential difference is and what it's a potential difference of, ['kay so p.d. is another word for voltage and voltage is the energy converted over the charge but what does it actually measure?! and if something is a 12V appliance, where does the current come into it when the current determines how much electricity is actually used? And where do watts come into it? And how many watts are in a coulomb? WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]


I almost ate verucca gel this morning cos it has something called salicylic acid in it and it reminded me of salt... then I realsed what a dumb thing that is to do.

I'm going now ;_; Bye bye lovers xXx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

frantic eh?
i had to walk to the swimming pool, swim about 60 lengths just for warm-up, do an hour of it, then walk back and i just came back from cross country :O
my body hurts :/

good luck with your thingy-ma-jiggerooo

mailed you on neo