Saturday, 19 July 2008

The Middle of July is Surprisingly Cold o_o

Yo yo yo :D

It's freezing o_o Seriously, it's probably like 2 degrees outside, I'm actually wearing about 4 t-shirts and a jumper and I'm still cold.

So anyway, what have I been up to...?

On Tuesday I was at St Annes, just helping out as I was before but I only stayed for the morning. Then I had to go to Abi's to give her her birthday card [very very late, I must say D:] but she wasn't there so I went to school to hand in my thank you letter and my project. Then I went to Lucy's house to hang [not literally], then we went to town and hung some more before meeting Alice and the Guides for my last ever Guides in Stafford!!!!! ;_; I also borrowed six library books, three of which were the biggest, heaviest damn things in the world.

On Wednesday Lucy and I went to Solihull to see what it's like [well, I already knew but when I went I was so fed up that I practically closed my eyes all through our visit xD] and it's actually really nice - it's like a slightly smaller version of Bullring, except it's got a more vintage look to it, and there are no yobs, low-lifes or hooligans. We didn't get time to look everywhere and we were tired and fed up so we took the train back to Birmingham, and I applied for a job at The Entertainer!!! [more about that later] then we went home.

Thursday wasn't that interesting, it was the second-to-last day of the school year and I spent it at St Annes.

Friday was better, it was the last day and the kids just played a lot - although it was nowhere near as sad as I remember it being when it was the end of year for us at primary school; it was just sort of... 'Bye, see ya round,' O_o Where's the affection?! I got a present from one of the little kids as well, which was the cutest [and most unexpected] thing ever! I got a box of Mingles and a wax crucifix lol. I still don't know what I should do with the crucifix - it's not as though I'm reluctant to put it up or anything, after all, it's Jesus. But I'm not even Christian so it feels a bit... well, you know what I mean lol. And I wouldn't bin it or sell it because what sort of person would I be if I did that?! So yeah, if anyone wants a crucifix, you know where to go! Anyway. After school Emma and I went to the cinema to see Kung Fu Panda :D It was a really good movie, it honestly was! I totally reccommend it. It's really funny [if you happened to be there and you heard laughter every 2 seconds, it was me. Sorry, now that I think about it, I should've bit my tongue cos it must've been really annoying o_o] and it has awww bits in it, plus it's awfully cute with all the ickle Kung Fu animals, and it has relatively okay action in it. Bearing in mind it's a disney movie with a panda who does kung fu in it o_o But yeah, it's really good :D

And today I had my hair cut [finally]. It's nothing like what I wanted it to be like really, it's short which is what I wanted, but there are like, no layers and it's quite poofy and is probably going to look utterly awful when I wash it but heck, that's what hats are for. Oh, and it has a sh-something thingy at the back. I've never had a haircut I'm not 100% happy with - the only good thing is that it'll take 2 seconds to wash it and 2 seconds to dry, plus it's short enough to curl into something that will look like an afro xD I have a proper fringe now too, it's been years since I've had one lol.

So anyway, the Entertainer. I really hope they give me the job there, I would LOVE to work in a toy shop! Especially the Entertainer because I've been buying things from there since I was tiny and it's always been my favourite shop :D Plus the one in Bullring has a slide thingy which I'm totally going to play in before anyone else gets there *shifty eyes*

On Monday I'm going to Solihull again with my mum and Ali for a college interview [a different one, thankfully. The last one gave me such a bad impression; academically impossible to do five A-levels my arse! Not to mention half the people there were wearing next to nothing, half of the other half looked like they hadn't washed in a month, and the rest wouldn't shut their mouths, my mum and I were just sat there gaping at the utter opposite of civilisation O_o And lord knows where they came from because they certainly weren't from Solihull o_o] and then Ali and I are going to hang in Bullring. Which is a potential disaster cos trying to put Ali and shops together is like the same poles of a magnet trying to be forced together. Not to mention that my hair is probably going to be a disaster by then o_o

Ali is seriously pissing me off right now, the way he talks to Yasmine is THE most IRRITATING thing in the history of the world. And the way he tries to play with her, it's so obvious she doesn't like being squished by him, he seems to think that her trying to beat him off is her way of saying 'Yes, I like to be squished.' ¬_¬

And I'm currently being told what God should and shouldn't have done when Jesus died. And that it 'probably isn't even a true story' frickin' hell, some people, namely my brother, are such little brats.

I'm listening to Oops! I Did It Again xD Stupid Britney lol. Anyway, Oops, I did it again, I wrote a load of garbage, got lost in the keyboard, oops you think that I have mental problems, I'm not that insane, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Ooh, now it's Michael. Enough is enough of this garbage. Couldn't agree more, later dear reader.

Neda xXx

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