Thursday, 7 August 2008

Can I have a chicken in a bun and a spicy coke please?

My computer broke eight days ago.

I'm on a laptop now :D ZOMG can you believe it? I never thought I'd see the day xD

Right, well, I don't think anyone ever reads this. Mind you, I don't think anyone really knows it exists, except the 2 or 3 people out of about 14 who bother to check their emails.

I saw Batman on Wednesday [last week] it was BLOODY AWESOME!!! And I love motorbikes and Batman's gadgets are simply woah :D Batman's voice was really growly and Rachel looks as though she's had a botched nose job [botched because it's so damn obvious that she's had one] and Harvey's face at the end ew ew ew ew ew ew ew cursed *shudders*

I also bought those uberly purdie pens which are awesome cos they write really brightly :D

And I went for a big long walk again in flipflops, I must add, but of course I didn't start this blog when I started going on hiking trips xD 6 hours with only a few 10 minute breaks, sat on the grass. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavly.

Anyhoo my wrists are killing me and I have to tidy up for tomorrow and then I gotta gotta must install Mavis Beacon's Typing Lesson because it's so GD cool but my last computer wouldn't let me use it but this one's just so awesome that it has to let me or else.

Much love xXx

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