Monday, 29 November 2010

Unfortunate musings of a first year medical student

I pondered, more times than I care to count today, for the first time ever why I'm bothering with this course. Being a doctor is the only career choice I've been genuinely serious about, but for the very first time I actually questioned myself. Whilst taking a nice warm shower earlier this evening, I searched the depths of my miserable, unquestionably boring mind to try and find out what the actual reason was for me wanting to be a medic. I couldn't remember. The horror literally brought tears to my eyes, and I stood there, stark naked in the shower with tears pouring out of my eyes. Of course you couldn't tell there were tears pouring out of my eyes, because I was in the shower. But that's beside the point.

Medicine has taken over my entire life. I realised this when earlier today I saw the word 'cleavage' and the first thing that popped into my mind was proteolysis, not and incredible pair of pert breasts being pressed together with a magical thing we call a Wonderbra. Later on, as i was writing a message on the wonder we call Facebook, I noticed that I'd written the two letters 'tb'. I stared at the screen for... well, a relatively long period of time, struggling to think what tb actually stands for. I thought for a moment that it must stand for 'tuberculosis', but then I thought, why the hell would I put an abbreviation for 'tuberculosis' on the end of a text message?!

You may be wondering, dear reader, where my enthusiasm for life has gone. I'm wondering the same thing. Actually, no I'm not. I'm almost certain it's due to the fact that some bastard virus has wriggled its way into my body, deposited its genetic material into my cells and has started to transcribe its bitchin' proteins inside me. I frickin hate that. I despise being ill [useful when my life ambition is to hang around with ill people all day every day].

As I sit here coughing and spluttering all over the place, with [too much] paracetamol being metabolised in my liver, I would like to reassure my lovely readers that despite the fact that my outlook on life is currently so negative that it's almost explosive, it will not last too long, for I'm about to go to bed and dream away my miseries.

On a final note, I'd like to mention what it was that stopped my tears spewing out in the shower earlier. As I flicked open the lid of my shampoo, I noticed a small warning on the back of my 'TimoteĆ­ Dream Volume', with three beautiful words. Had I continued to cry, my tears would have been from amusement. No three words will ever be so lovely on the back of a shampoo bottle as 'DO NOT DRINK'.

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