Saturday, 18 September 2010

Things I simply cannot explain

  1. Why I stay on my laptop for hours on end doing very little and being incredibly bored in the early hours of the morning when I could just go to sleep is forever a mystery to me. I am actually tired. I just don't know why I can't seem to draw myself away from it.
  2. Why I set my alarm for 8:30am every morning and still press snooze every five minutes until noon. I have every intention of waking up at 8:30 the previous night, it's just in the morning when my bed is warm and outside is cold... I don't know why I do it.
  3. How I manage to turn my room into a complete tip five minutes after I've tidied it up and put absolutely everything at perfect right angles to everything else, including the walls... actually, at the moment my door won't fully shut for some reason and its about 4 degrees out, and weird as it sounds, it kills me inside to see it like that but not be able to do anything about it! xD
  4. Also, I just realised that I much prefer the font 'arial' to 'times new roman'. This doesn't really fit in with the rest of the list but oh well. At least now you know why this particular post is sans serif. Actually I went to a lot of effort to get it so the bullet numbers were Arial too. Not sure why.
  5. Why I'm still here trying to think of another thing I can't explain even though I'm desperately sleepy. So I'll go to bed now.... wait, I'm already in bed... I'll just go to sleep shall I? :P Good night dear reader. Oh wait...
  6. Why anyone reads this pointless old drivel! xD Much love :) x x x

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