... I'll wrap my fingers around their er.. cell body, then squeeze as hard as I can until they die of oxygen starvation.
My cold has been there for a good two months.
You little bastard.
I've come to the conclusion that despite all our fabulous scientific advances and modern human ways, the human race is getting more and more stupid. The lack of winnings on The Weakest Link is quite a good indication. Plus the fact that I first spelt 'weakest' as 'weekest'. What the hell is 'weekest!? xD
I don't know how to describe it really, it just seems like the world is getting dimmer and dimmer. For example. Cycling home from college today. I cycle down a path. Not a narrow one or anything, just a regular path. A girl was walking along on this path. I asked her to kindly move, she didn't hear me as her headphones were in. So I thought, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuurck this, I'll cycle on the grass. She shrieked, and moved TOWARDS me. TOWARDS. What the HELL. Dumbshit.
Ah, I'm feeling lazy. Cannot be bothered to write any more. Oh, except that my sister has a word for 'sugarcube'. Chingan. Chingan chingan chingan chingan chingan chingan. Wonderful word xD
Meh. Good evening fellow blogger xD
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