I did some research on back pain. Apparently all your weight rests on two joints in your back, sitting isn't a natural position, bedrest makes it worse, 80% of people get it at some point in their life and mattreses have to be firm O_o
If and when I get into medicine, I'm going to pick something back pain or joint pain related as a student selected component. My doctor has about 10 models of skeletal parts in his room thing. I want a skeleton. A REAL one :O
My mum thinks I'm crazy, she seriously does. Here's how the converation went:
Neda: *whilst looking at a photo* I don't like my chin...
Mum: Why, what's wrong with it?
Neda: Well... I don't really have much of a chin...
Mum: What?
Neda: It's not... there really. It's more of a....... I dunno, some people have a double chin, I just have a no-chin
Mum: *weird look*
Neda: What's that look for?
Mum: You need therapy.
Neda: Why?
Mum: Because if it was up to you you'd go to a surgeon and ask them to replace your face with playdough. You have problems.
Gee, thanks mum.
You know what I find scary? The thought that if a tooth falls out, I'll never have a real tooth again. It's been there since birth, but suddenly it's gone forever. My mum chipped her tooth once and she went to the dentist and had veneers put in to fix the weird gap-toothed thing that was going on. If it was me, I'd be bothered by it. A lot.
Cheryl Cole has veneers. Her teeth before were frickin weird o_o
I now feel that I have proof that with a nice bit of cosmetic dentistry, a load of hair dye, some false eyelashes and a bucketful of makeup, anyone could look good. Heck, I want to be a plastic surgeon! =D
Lady Gaga is fabulous. Not as fabulous as Naomi Campbell of course, no-one could be as fabulous as Naomi Campbell. Not even Diana Ross. But fabulous all the same. I mean seriously, what in God's name is THIS?!
I thought she was naked underneath at first until I noticed she has no genitals. Meaning she's probably wearing a beige leotard underneath. And that her fishnets finish at the knicker line. Well, unless she really doesn't have genitals and her fishnets are either tattooed on or they're a genetic defect... which I somehow doubt. I'm going to get her album. You just can't have someone THAT weird in the music industry and not get her album. A physical copy though, not a download. Pffft the whole point in music is the CDs.
Ah I dunno, my back is killing me. I'm off.
LOL at your mum :D
Haha, Cheryl Cole looked properly weird before she had her teeth done :) It makes me feel better too - if I were rich, I could look great as well!
I agree about Lady Gaga, she is indeed awesome, though I lol'd at your comment about her not having genitals - you know there's a rumour that she's a hermaphrodite? :P However... the whole point in music is the CDs I disagree. I own like 5 CDs - downloading ftw!
Yeaaahhh o_o She looks fabulous now, they call her the living Barbie doll :o
Gaga = FABULOUS! Haha yeah I've heard that xD I refuse to believe it until I see it though. Not that I want to see her bits or anything, that's just... paedophilia. I want to see her willy.. if she has one that is :O
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat no! :O Where's the thrill in downloads? :( The first thing you have to do when you buy a CD is take it home and flick through the insert thingy whilst listening to the whole CD, from start to finish D:
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