Tuesday, 25 November 2008

I want a piece of you :O

Piece of Me by Britney Spears.

In other words, The Chicken Song. She says she's Miss American dream since she was 17... I think she's Miss Chicken dream at the moment D: And is Womanizer a real word?

I remember Gresa describing that science teacher [whose name I can't remember] as a womanizer once o_o Slightly disturbing, but hey. I shouldn't be writing this in the library cos I keep laughing at old memories and the people near me think I'm a nutter o_o xD

But ja. I keep saying ja D:

We have a biology self study week, it's all good cos it means I only have ONE lesson today :D Yay! So I'm coming to the library for lunchtime, then at 1:40 imma pretend I'm a big-ass nerdy-nerd doing homework in the library. Which I suppose I am. I'm not a nerd though... nerds are smart o_o

I'm stuck for words now... blogs shouldn't really be this short should they? On the other hand, when they're really long and all I'm writing is absolute bullcrap that no-one will ever read [except possibly a pervert or someone who has nothing better to do]...

I'm really sad, not loser-sad, actual real life depression-sad ._. I heard on the news yesterday that Michael Jackson doesn't own Neverland any more! :( I was appalled, Michael Jackson without Neverland Valley Ranch is like boys' trainers without the smell.. ok bad example o_o But whatever, MJ and NVR not being together is like breaking the laws of natrue, its just wrong. W-R-O-N-G. Double-you are oh enn gee. NOPE. NOTHING. NADA. NO-NO-NANETTE. Oh man ._.

Imma have to look on BBC news or soomt to find out why he doesn't have it any more... not that its actually any of my business... but Michael D:

Ok whatever, I'm ghost.


Anonymous said...

"[except possibly a pervert or someone who has nothing better to do]..."

well then, I guess if my presence ishh not appreciated I shall poof :/

Neda said...

And except Farzaneh, OF COURSE!!!


Anonymous said...


:D 'sup XD