Monday, 16 March 2009


My week wasn't too good. It should've been, two things happened that at any other time would've made me the happiest person in the world.

On Thursday I got my January exam results back, which I won't put on here, but I was WELL PLEASED [as God says about Jesus several times in the bible :P] and I was in Sfaaaampton yesterday. Manpreets birthday party, my God they haven't changed one little bit! I haven't seen them for ages but I felt like I'd never left in the first place. I love people who're like them. Everyone in Southampton was so nice, they were so open and accepting of people, I remember when Charlie and Sharon and Arabella first came, not one of them were anything like any of our group but EVERYONE was always so nice to them. You would've thought that at an all-girls' school everyone would be a bitch but there wasn't really any of that. I wonder sometimes what it'd be like if I'd never left St Annes. But then, all I remember is the good times, until I really think about it...

One person I'll never forget is Mrs Regan. She was a MAN. I bullied her so much lol, it was the most GD fun you could have without actually being happy xD And Mrs Ganter. She was a frickin cuntmuncher, even my mum hated her. I've changed so much since then though, I'm actually *nice* to teachers now xD The people round here think I'm a bit of a geek. If only they knew, lol.

OH MY GOD. Remember Mr Norman? DAMN xD Armorel and I used to go to Creative writing just to perve on him xD Well, she did. But it was worth it, he thought we were frickin escapees from a mental asylum xD And there was the essay which ended something like 'Now that I've bored you to death, I'll just curl up and die', he was practically in tears until I said that loooooooool.

Imma write a big long list of all the good times somewhen.

You know what the worst thing about putting a conclusion to a load of random-ass short stories is? You suddenly remember what it was that was bothering you in the first place.

I just don't understand it, I really don't. I don't even remember when everything changed, I can't pinpoint it like some people can either.

I love this painting. Its sorta scary, but realistically scary. All you gotta do is remove those people behind the screaming dude and it'd make total sense to me. Iuno.

I'm going to wax my eyebrows now, I'm starting to look like Charlie from Busted.

Keep the Faith xXx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

charlie from busted = ewwww