Friday, 28 November 2008

I don't got no clothes D:

Which makes me slightly naked D:

I'm not ACTUALLY naked, the upstairs lights have stopped working which means that if I WAS naked, no-one would be able to tell. Lucky for me, I'm fully clothed and downstairs where the lights are working :)


My wrists hurt, I'm going now.


Wednesday, 26 November 2008

If I could pick one thing in the WHOLE UNIVERSE that I could own personally...

It'd be all the vaccuum. Because it would mean that I owned all vaccuum cleaners, therefore all the dirt in the vaccuum cleaners, therefore the things that got sucked up accidentally, therefore all the people all the stuff belonged to, and if I own people, then obviously I'm the ruler of the world :)

I really can't be arsed this week, I just want to go home with a nice cuppa, a stack of DVDs and too much chocolate and just sit there and do absolutely nowt. THAT is my idea of the Good Life.

Its going to be pitch black by the time I get home... and I really want to do an Orange Wednesday.. well, not literally do and orange wednesday because not only is that not possible, but even if it was, it'd be completely, utterly and totally wrong.

Look at this:

I might be small but I have a big heart and an even BIGGER head.

Tis my quote that will one day become famous as I become the ruler of the world. Just so you know, when I become ruler of the world, I'll make it so that everyone has a computer, and the internet, and BT becomes bankrupt, and I become very tall.

My head is aching. Like a hole in the head. Ew, thats nasty. Did you know that an ancient civilisation [possibly the Mayans or the Aztecs] would cure headaches by drilling a hole in the victim's head? Yuuuuuurrk. Imagine being able to SEE through people's heads? Well, the people would probably be dead actually, but if you pretend they survived.

Blah, Imma go in a few minutes, I feel bloody sick.


Tuesday, 25 November 2008

I want a piece of you :O

Piece of Me by Britney Spears.

In other words, The Chicken Song. She says she's Miss American dream since she was 17... I think she's Miss Chicken dream at the moment D: And is Womanizer a real word?

I remember Gresa describing that science teacher [whose name I can't remember] as a womanizer once o_o Slightly disturbing, but hey. I shouldn't be writing this in the library cos I keep laughing at old memories and the people near me think I'm a nutter o_o xD

But ja. I keep saying ja D:

We have a biology self study week, it's all good cos it means I only have ONE lesson today :D Yay! So I'm coming to the library for lunchtime, then at 1:40 imma pretend I'm a big-ass nerdy-nerd doing homework in the library. Which I suppose I am. I'm not a nerd though... nerds are smart o_o

I'm stuck for words now... blogs shouldn't really be this short should they? On the other hand, when they're really long and all I'm writing is absolute bullcrap that no-one will ever read [except possibly a pervert or someone who has nothing better to do]...

I'm really sad, not loser-sad, actual real life depression-sad ._. I heard on the news yesterday that Michael Jackson doesn't own Neverland any more! :( I was appalled, Michael Jackson without Neverland Valley Ranch is like boys' trainers without the smell.. ok bad example o_o But whatever, MJ and NVR not being together is like breaking the laws of natrue, its just wrong. W-R-O-N-G. Double-you are oh enn gee. NOPE. NOTHING. NADA. NO-NO-NANETTE. Oh man ._.

Imma have to look on BBC news or soomt to find out why he doesn't have it any more... not that its actually any of my business... but Michael D:

Ok whatever, I'm ghost.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be...

...the future's no ours to see, what will be will be.

How I wish I'd taken french as my 5th subject ._. Schmexyful french ._.

C'est trés malheureux.

So fucking malheureux. Is it malheureux or malheureuse? Cos one's male and one's female... it's been too long D: I'm going to get married to a french guy. Well, IF I should choose to get married. Which I probably won't. Cos it's stupid.

So yeah, my internet is still completely and utterly non-existant, and BT are still stupid. We're going for Virgin now, which [as I told Gresa] is a bit of a lie because I'm not an internet virgin AT ALL. Lol. I should stop saying that, it's such a stupid word xD

Wait, it's not even a word O_o

I took a funky picture with my FUNKY NEW PHONE JA?? And I really want to put it on here but I can't 'cos this is the library ._.

Oh yeah, I put my blog onto Facebook... not sure if it's a good idea or not because of certain stalkers who won't stop at nothing to track me down and further waste my time, but if that does happen, which it won't, hopefully, I know how to block names, and I'll find out how to block IP addresses too.

THAT is the result of talking to people you don't know, I don't reccommend it one little bit.

I'm hungry. I reckon I'll go get me a nice yummy sub today. Reggae Reggae Chicken Sub, ja? Ja.

Why do German people say 'yes' as 'ya' but spell it like 'ja'? Well, I thought about it, and did my research [cos I'm so cool], and I actually found out that the name Joseph is from Germany, and it's actually said like Youssef :) And now I know that the bloke that's in my maths class [he has shockingly blue eyes] is probably German. Aren't I so fun, analyzing the letters in people's names o_o

I want to dye my hair again. Blue would be kool, like electric blue, but I found out that actually costs £120, and I don't have £120 to spare on a blue hair dye that will eventually fade... after one wash. I need to have a haircut too.

Gosh, you must be bored if you're still reading. Here's a fun fact for you: the first emperor of china died of mercury poisoning. And that was back when mercury was used as a drug. To make you high. And to see cool things that weren't really there. And to leave you with a MOFO of a HANGOVER.

Not that I'd know what that's like, obviously. Well, actually I do know what it's like... kinda. If you've ever walked 12 miles with only 3 breaks, in the rain, and you wake up the next day aching all over, that's what it's like... er, probably.


It sucks, because as soon as I have access to my old computer so I can take my pictures and programmes back, the internet decides it's too good for me. EIGHT YEARS OF HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A COMPUTER AND A MODEM, AND IT DECIDES TO LEAVE ME. WHAT. THE. FUCK. EXCUSE THE SWEARS. ACTUALLY, DON'T. WHY AM I WRITING IN CAPITALS.

Soz guys, I'm calm now... LOL. I wonder what life would be like if 'lol' was a real word, would people be shunned for actually laughing? Hmmm....

I should'a taken philosophy too.

Subjects I would've taken if I was allowed to take an infinite amount:

  • French

  • Philosophy and Ethics

  • Art

  • Dance

  • Music

  • ICT

  • Business Studies

  • History [all three]

  • Media

  • Accounting

  • Further maths

Damn, I could've taken further maths actually... GAH EVERYTHING SUCKS! >:(

Haha, ain't he cute? :D I'll tell you what else is cute actually: ô_o HAHARRRR such a cutie :D ô_ô LMAO he looks like me when I've had a months supply of caffiene xD [it's happened, I'm sorry to say].

The computer just froze ._. All my precious work... gone.

Okay, well to prevent that from happening again, I'll save and hope that no-one has bothered to read this.


Thursday, 13 November 2008

Mathematically addicted to you :O


I'm not sure what that's about... I just love maths, that's all.

I saw something quite scary today, but I don't think it's suitable to post on my blog so I won't put it.

My wrists are aching, I don't like keyboards. I prefer the ones on laptops, but heck, who cares? :P

I have 3 minutes so I'll make it quick.

Lost the debate yesterday, I think I'm cursed. Got attacked by a killer headache, then got the attack of the shakes, now I'm convinced I'm diabetic. Took an overdose on asprins [probably] cos they didn't work, I bet my liver is broken now. Today is review day so I'm only in for a little while, plus I get tomorrow off [yay!]

Now I have 2 minutes.

I have a new-found love for Ne-yo, he's awesomeness :D *bursts into song* She got her- okay, maybe I won't o_o

Gah, forget it, I'm bailing.


Tuesday, 11 November 2008


I'm in the library, ja?


Because BT, the G.D. pooheads, have CUT OFF OUR INTERNET.



They didn't even give us a reason, they just cut it off! And now, we have not only NO PHONE LINE, but NO INTERNET EITHER!!!!!



On the bright side, I still have infinite texts and like, 120 minutes. You have my number, I will contact you no end if you ask nicely :)

Oh, and there's a scary man making funny noises ._.

Just so you know, I'm in the library.



Tuesday, 4 November 2008

T'as been a while...

T'as indeed.

I shouldn't really be on right now, I'm the only one awake - betcha my typing will wake up my sister.

Speaking of her, she has turned into SUCH a little menace!!! Gawd, seriously, she came into my room today, opened a cupboard, took everything out and chucked it all on the floor! what kind of a kid dose that? xD

Imma try getting up early tomorrow and write a proper blog, this here is a waste of everyone's time o_o

Hugs xXx