Sunday, 19 July 2009

Time waits for no-one :O

It has been a while.

MONTHS in fact, dayum.

So what's happened?

Shit. No joke. I'm not even going to discuss it, talking about it makes me feel ill. What sort of ill? haven't-eaten-in-ages-and-everything-hurts sort of ill. Yep, that bad.

ANyhoo, I'm moving house again. Which means:
  • No more keeping the music down because it's a detatched house and the neighbours are all old so they're prolly too deaf to hear it anyway
  • I might get wireless internet back!!!!!!!
  • Packing.. again o_o

My dilemma is, where do I pack one vinyl record? Just one? Alski already suggested a record case but am I really going to spend a fortune on a record case for just ONE record? No way josé, not on your nelly. I'm poor as it is.

Which reminds me. Why will no-one give me a job?!?!?! GAH!

What a waste of a blog post, I'm going to see if there are any vacancies att he Apple shop now ._.