Boy oh boy, it has been a while xD So what's been going on since November 28th?
- Exams happened
- Lost a vital organ
- Twice
- Was on the radio
- Twice
- Made a cake with demerara sugar [never use demerara sugar in a cake, it tastes awful]
- Decided to give up coffee [I've been clean for 6 days!]
- Decided to stop being lazy, which leads on to...
I'm joining karate o_o I know, WTF. Like, for real xD My dad got this idea into his head that I, being a girl, am not smart enough to defend myself if I ever got attacked [which is bullish by the way] so we [we being bruv, dad and myself] are joining it. Woo. I don't mind it really, I just want those crazy sticks-on-a-chain... numchucks I think they're called? Whatever.
Africaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wooh! One step closer baby, one step closer :D
Doing a sponsored walk at some point to raise money for victims of war. Aren't I nice. Once again, it's bruv, dad, myself and possibly POSSIBLY two other people, preferably male, will be doing it [before you call me a man-eater, I'm saying preferably male because I've never met another woman with enough stamina to walk 20 miles].
Right-o, I'm going eBaying =D LOVE xXx